Stand Out Amongst The Crowd In Designer Lehengas

January 19, 2021


buy wedding lehengas for women

The beauty of being an Indian woman is that there’s no shortage of what you can wear, there’s no colour you can’t pull off, no design that can’t be experimented with. Traditionally, Indian women wear varities of saree, salwar kameez, chudidar and lehega choli. Each region seemed to have their individual style, tradition and design.

The best thing about Indian garments, though, is their versatility and their enduring appeal. The legenga choli is no exception to this. The particular style of garment has been around for centuries in some sharp or form and yet, it is still considered the choice of dress by many.

The dress is exquisite in its simplicity at the very basic level. All you have is a skirt and a blouse with a dupatta. If you look into Indian lehengas online, you will see that the garment is anything but simple. In fact, it is adaptable enough that you can have it as simple or as ornate as you like. Every occasion demands a different type of lehenga.


When we think of lehenga, we think of weddings. Most people, especially brides, buy lehengas for weddings. It has come to be the most preferred attire and sells in droves during the marriage seasons. Of course, if you look at the collections of online wedding lehengas, you’ll understand why it’s such a craze.

You can go as bold as you like during weddings. Indian wedding are the one occasion where a woman can just go nuts when it comes to dress. Heavy embroidery, loud colours, dramatic flair, all is permissible.

So you can easily go to online stores like and splurge to buy an exotic, beautifully created pair of lehenga choli for your sibling or best friend or relative’s wedding. But is lehenga choli only for weddings? Here’s how you can wear them on other occasions too.


Pull yourself back and little and draw your eyes away from the heavy, ornate wedding lehengas. Look for more sober shades of pastels, blacks and greys you might get find something you can rock with elegance at a party. There’s no shortage of choice in lehenga choli online shopping and occasionally, you’ll find gems that aren’t as heavily embroidered and aren’t died in bright, fancy colours.

These, you can easily wear to a party, even an office party. Lehengas are actually versatile enough that you can get something for every occasion.

Casual dinners:

Be a little bold, pair lehengas with t-shirts for a cool, artsy vibe for a night-out with friends. Forgo the netted, embroidered and loud lehengas for something of cotton, something a little plain and you can actually wear this as a fun little detour from pants and kurtas.

No one said that you can’t dictate your own style, after all and fashion is all about experimentation,. While some experiments can turn out to be disasters, some are a success.

So you don’t need to go online to just buy wedding lehengas for women, you can buy something casual and different for other occasions.


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