April 06, 2021

Our routines are a loop. You may have noticed that you were aiming to do a thing different from your routine since long ago, but hadn’t been able to even get it started. There might be different things for different people. For me it is calling my college friends. I literally say every day to myself, that I will take an hour out of my daily duties and call my friends. But either time forbids or my mood from doing so. Sometimes, I am just not in very chatty mood. This can be said about things, but what about habits? Like not exercising, or specifically in these ‘work from home’ circumstances, we realising how much time we sat on the same place and noticing a slight ache in back or neck. Now, it’s not like we do not know the upcoming outcomes of our routines, we know that if we do not take care of ourself we might end up having permanent back ache. But instead of reconsidering our habits, we will keep on going in loops, just expecting different outcomes. Our routines shape our lifestyle. So, if you want to change your lifestyle, you must change your routine.

Here are some 5 easy lifestyle changes to instantly make you feel better:

1)   Gratitude:


When getting up in the morning you are think about the stress of hard work you will have to do that day. There must be very less days you will be ecstatic to get out of your bed. Some days you might even dread getting started with those. But you never have enough time to praise the things you already enjoy or will enjoy. Right from a chance to see a new morning to having a peaceful sleep. When you don’t appreciate enough, you fell like you don’t have enough. You feel unsatisfied. So, it’s good to start your day with gratitude. By appreciating the moments, you are going to create, for having a new start. You can just say, “Thank you for today.” before starting your day. It is also good to express gratitude to other people like thanking your mom for breakfast. Little things make huge difference.

1)      Personal diary/Journal:

Personal diary Journal

Sometimes, it is important to clear your head just like it is important to have a good listener friend. Just like ranting out your worries, it is important to explain somethings to yourself. Journaling or keeping a diary is a great way to escape your mind and write down your thoughts so you won’t keep on going in loops. Getting lost in your head can be simple when there’s just a lot to think. A personal diary/ journal can help you arrange your thoughts. As time consuming as it sounds, it is really a great way to lighten up your mind off heavy thoughts.

1)      Stretching/Yoga:


Stretching or yoga can be a good start of the day to have a clear mind before getting off with your usual chores. Even basic stretching exercises or beginner level yoga is fine to get your body in motion and set your positive thoughts in action. Stretching awakens your body and energizes it by freshening you up for the further day. Yoga stimulates positive vibes and improves your flexibility. It is difficult to push your body to stretching but once you fit it into your routine you will feel the positive difference.

1)      Meditation:


Meditation is like giving your body and more importantly your mind a rest. A rest from constant activity and restless train of thoughts. Doing meditation, at any hour of day to provide you a clear vision of your jumbled mind. Meditation brings you peace and at the same time gives you some alone time to reflect on your senses. It relaxes every muscle in your body and makes your persona calm and collected. Closing your eyes for even 5 minutes and taking a couple of deep breaths can instantly make you feel better.

1)      Positivity: 


SOURCE URL :- https://stylistmyntra.com/beauty/5-easy-lifestyle-changes-to-instantly-make-you-feel-better/

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